Our Flea Policy here at Grooming Angel Pet Salon

Fleas are a nuisance. Sooner or later everyone that owns a pet either has or will have a flea problem. It happens by just taking your dog for a walk sometimes at a park where other pets have been etc... If you know how to properly treat your pet that has fleas, you can have a FLEA FREE pet, environment and a happier, healthier pet and family as well.
Any pet (Dog or Cat) that comes in with fleas will immediately be put into the tub for a flea bath and charged an extra $25.00. Also, your pet will be given a CAPSTAR pill immediately which will begin killing the fleas usually within 30 minutes. This prevents fleas from getting on other pets in our shop. Capstar pills are given as part of the treatment. Capstar and a flea baths are not optional if your pet comes in with fleas and is groomed or bathed in the salon.
When we check in your pet sometimes it is difficult to tell if there are fleas present until we get the animal wet. So we would appreciate it if you would tell us if you suspect your pet needs flea treatment before coming in. We have to take extra time to sanitize everything after a flea infested pet has come in and make sure it is kept separately from the other animals. Extra flea bathing and combing out of the fleas takes time and time is money as we all know.
​Another thing that people don't know is that they must also be responsible for treating the environment the pet lives in. You need to go out and buy some really good VET type fleas bombs or call out Flea Busters to treat your home while the pet is getting groomed is a great time to do this. We can only take care of part of your flea problem you need to do the rest at home and in the yard (grass spraying if necessary etc). Wash the pets bedding, your bedding, spray behind the doors, empty the vacuum bag and toss after vacuuming etc... This is a lot of work but well worth getting a handle on before you have a real problem.
Below is a little more information on the nasty little critters called FLEAS!
Most fleas that you see on your pet are in the adult stage. What you don't see are the thousands of eggs a single adult flea can produce.
An adult female flea can lay up to 2,000 eggs in her lifetime which will be bothering your pet as adults soon. With CAPSTAR® (nitenpyram), almost all your dog's adult fleas will be gone within four hours.
An adult female flea can lay up to 2,000 eggs in her lifetime which will be bothering your pet as adults soon. With CAPSTAR® (nitenpyram), almost all your dog's adult fleas will be gone within four hours. For the home, combating a flea infestation takes patience as for every flea found on an animal there are many more developing in the home. A spot-on insecticide, such as Advantage, Frontline or Revolution will kill the fleas on the pet and in turn the pet itself will be a roving flea trap and mop up newly hatched fleas. The environment should be treated with a fogger or spray insecticide containing an insect growth regulator, such as pyrimidine or methoprene to kill eggs and pupae, which are quite resistant against insecticides. Frequent vacuuming is also helpful, but you must immediately dispose of the vacuum bag afterwards.
Life Cycle of the Flea
Fleas can be a problem because they reproduce so rapidly. A single female flea may produce up to 2,000 eggs over her lifetime. Eggs hatch and can develop into adults within only three weeks. Adult female fleas feed by ingesting blood from your pet and subsequently lay eggs, which drop off your pet’s coat. Within days, larvae hatch from the eggs and live undetected in your pet’s surroundings, such as the carpet, bedding and other protected areas. Flea larvae spin a cocoon, and, when appropriately stimulated, a young adult flea emerges and jumps onto your pet to continue the life cycle. When these new fleas are seen on your pet, treat with CAPSTAR tablets.